Time bandit quotes
Time bandit quotes

time bandit quotes time bandit quotes

If these time bandits never recognize themselves, if nobody ever calls them out, if they consider their behavior normal and innocuous because everyone simply tolerates it instead of stopping it, is it possible that you could be your office’s time bandit and just not know it? And the time bandit carries on like nothing unpleasant ever took place. But when you get interrupted, you don’t feel like you can brush off the interruption, so instead you drop what you’re doing, take care of the interruption and then try to get on with your regularly scheduled work. You always have too much to do and not enough time to do it. You can never get that time back-and you probably never had enough time in the first place. They steal the precious resource you can never replace: your time. Who are they? They are the office time bandits, people who interrupt your work whenever they want. As a result, these problem employees never even realize they’re a problem. These days, in our sped-up culture, there’s another kind of problem employee who causes as much or more grief than any of those stereotypes, because nobody recognizes the havoc they create and nobody feels like they can or should be reproved. Nobody wants to be one of those dreaded office pariahs, people we’ve probably all worked with-the office screw-up, the whiner, the deadweight, the drama queen, the brown-noser, the credit thief…

Time bandit quotes